Unusual Adventures

--- Story 1 --
Where to start with our many unusual adventures… Usually they would begin with a call from Nick, frantically explaining that I absolutely had to do whatever we were about to get ourselves into. More often than not the adventures involved running through the woods late at night… without flashlights… nick didn't believe in flashlights for some reason.

One such night our 'mission' was to find a bowling ball that he had hidden earlier that day.
I'm not exactly sure if he intentionally hid it for us to find or rather earlier he took his bowling ball for a walk and it ran away. Somehow I think the latter is true. But we spent hours that night searching around the woods… for a bowling ball… without flashlights… all the while Nick leading us down path after path. I don't think we ever found the bowling ball that night… and in fact I believe he lost his glasses in the process… which probably spawned another unusual adventure with Nick.

-- Story 2 --
Nick and I shared the rather strange desire to broadcast messages / music of our choosing over somebody else's public address system. This all started in Science Olympiad for which we competed together at many universities in Pennsylvania and around the country. Being extreme electronic hobbyists and partners in the 'Circuit Design' and 'Mission Impossible' events gave us the duty and responsibility to give Science Olympiad the audio subversion it needed. Between events there was always some down-time which was usually spent at a 'home base' in a large gymnasium along with hundreds of members from other teams.

Usually Nick made it our first 'mission' during this down-time to locate all points of entry and control over the PA system. Once we identified an open input we went to work rigging up our tape deck with the right adaptor. Our preferred subversive music choice was Brass Monkey by the Beastie Boys… We both liked the song and it was something everybody could do the 'belly button dance' to.

Eventually our methods got a bit more sophisticated using a very small FM receiver attached to the proper connector we were able to remotely broadcast using a small FM transmitter.

For the last day of our senior year at high school we had a similar and rather nice prank planned, and everything was setup and tested. But Nick backed out at the last minute with the idea that what we were going to broadcast was too offensive… good thing... it probably was :-).

Justin 'jut' Olexy

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