Anecdotes from friends who know Berg

Nick and I knew each other from the Summer Science program, and we touched base when we were both at Cornell--he as a incoming student and I as a graduate student. We kept in contact over the year, and at one point I gave him a ride back up to upstate New York from Pennsylvania. The thing is, Nick couldn't just take a ride from me--he had to bike the first 10-20 miles. That was the sort of person Nick was, though, always willing to take on challenges--ones that he didn't need to.
Ian Rhile

Nick was the type of person who could leave you in awe for having such seemingly unreachable intelligence, but at the same time being a class prankster. Such was Nick, an anathema. Having never felt that I quite fit in at Henderson, my new school, I recall the sense of importance I felt when Nick said hi to me and called me by name - me, an underclassmen. Nick just had a way of making each person feel like they were the most important person alive. Perhaps that is how we should all be.
Chris (Hyder) Zink

Nick and I met during his freshman year at Cornell while living in the same dorm, Cascadilla. He was a very memorable person, always walking around with his shirt off, usually with a big stick in his hands, and loved to just live in the raw. I remember the stereo speakers he built - big triangular things. He was proud to show me photos of his family. He also mentioned several times about building his own place out in the woods. He was a very happy, lively person, who made friends that were quite varied, from all walks of life. Later in college, after his trip to Africa, Nick would join me and another friend, Andy O'Meara for church every once in a while, even though he was Jewish. One of my fondest memories is when Nick went on a bike ride from his home in PA to Cornell in Ithaca, NY. He called me and mentioned that he had wrecked his bike, couldn't ride anymore and asked if I could pick him and his bike up. When I got there, Nick was pretty battered and bruised, but well enough. He was very thankful that I drove quite a ways to come get him, and he gave me a railroad spike that he had found on his trip. A railroad spike doesn't seem like much to most people, but if you ever knew Nick, you would know that sometimes the simplest things - like a cool stick - were some of the most valuable treasures in the world. I knew that spike was more than worth it's weight in gold to Nick. I kept it on my desk, still have it to this day, and always will. Nick, though you lived like one of the simplest people in the world, you were one of the greatest treasures of my life.
Thank you for the memories.
Trey Schambach

I knew Nick in high school; we were in the marching band together. I did not know him very well but I have one memory of one of Nick’s contraptions I thought it might be nice to share with his family. One afternoon at band camp (a true band member never forgets Camp Saginaw ), his cabin-mates and he were working on a “surprise” for whoever thought to sneak into their cabin. Well I happen to be walking by as they finished their masterpiece. They called me over and asked me to open the door to test out their “alarm” as they put it to me. There was a screen over the top half of the door so I couldn’t see inside very clearly, and even though I knew I would probably regret doing so, I opened the door. I open the door and nothing happens but not two seconds later a mattress came flying at me from some kind of ceiling rig and launches me a good 5 or 6 feet outside the cabin flat on my back. They all come rushing out the door to make sure I’m ok, though I’m a little short of breath I couldn’t help but laugh. Anyhow, once Nick and all of them saw that I was alright and perfectly fine, they were so delighted that their “alarm” worked. It’s something I’ll never forget. I guess what I’m trying to convey, is that Nick inspired people to be creative and take initiative and that is something I will always remember him for. I see this wonderful website dedicated to him and it makes me smile how many lives he touched, no matter how briefly someone may have known him. He will always be remembered.
My sympathy and condolences;
Jessica Nichols
Henderson Class of 1998

I knew Nick Berg for a brief time while we both lived in the same dorm at college. But it only took a brief time for Nick to make a lasting impression on someone. We all liked, respected, and most of all, admired Nick. He was one of the very precious few who act upon their high ideals and compassion. My most prominent memory about Nick is how he returned emaciated from Ghana. Despite his appearance his accounts were always of an immensely rewarding experience. I found out from statements in the media by family members that the reason Nick was so lean was that he would give his food away. He never mentioned that. I guess he wasn't someone to glorify his many sacrifices. It was an honour to have known you Nick,
Mohan Sarovar
St Lucia, QLD

Nick Berg was my friend. The past week has been especially difficult for all of those who were fortunate enough to meet Nick during a life that ended far too prematurely. The world stood transfixed on the media coverage surrounding his grisly execution, searching for answers. A maelstrom of emotions has made this a miserable week for those who knew Nick and refuse to accept the short-sighted portrayal that he was a victim of tragic naivety. The truth is that for Nick to have avoided Iraq would have been to betray everything that made Nick such a great man.
Joe Blechman
Read Joe's Tribute
New York, NY

I doubt there is much I can say that already hasn't been said about Nick. He and I (and one other person) lived in a dorm room together in Cascadilla Hall at Cornell during the spring semester of 1997. Though we did not see eye-to-eye on many things, I was always impressed with how Nick carried himself, marching to the tune of his own drum. We were both majoring in engineering (he a freshman in civil engineering and me a junior in applied physics), and I was thoroughly impressed by his command of a wide array of subjects, but I did think he was too idealistic and he likely thought I was not idealistic enough. His idealism though would manifest itself in impressive ways as we all know from his accomplishments. Now I realize that I was at fault for not realizing during the short time I lived with him the importance of his passion. Though he may have been overly eager to have gone to Iraq when he did, it is the few people like Nick who are able to make the world a better place, who sacrifice entirely of themselves to help others. It is difficult to think of anyone else who has his drive to build and improve society. This trait of Nick has inspired many, and though he is no longer with us, his spirit will be carried by the many people all over the world he touched. I express my condolences to Nick's family and friends. God bless Nick Berg
Mark Zwald
Mountain View, CA

There are so many stories about Nick that I hardly know where to start. My high school friends have told many, and they illustrate the kind of person Nick was. Hugely confident, never afraid -- that was Nick. I knew him for ten years, and I can honestly say I have never known anyone like him. I could talk about his yeast colony in middle school and how he named it. I could talk about musicals, crazy times and wild ideas. I could talk about Mr. Walker's calc class, our physics labs or watching him drive various and sundry English teachers crazy with all kinds of wayward, yet brilliant, thoughts. But the Nick I knew was the one with eyes so blue it seemed they could see forever. He had infinite tenderness and compassion, and it was one of the great honors of my life to know him. He was the first boy to ever bring me flowers (before opening night of Oliver at Pierce, for those of you who remember). They were three white roses, wrapped in a paper towel dripping with water...and they were the best flowers I ever got. I would urge everyone to remeber his ready humor, his unfailing smile, his sheer brilliance. And much like John, I would say that when the media coverage ends, all we will be left with are our memories. And for those who knew him, what rich memories they are.
Liz Johnson

Nick Berg was a great friend from high school days in West Chester, Pa. Nick and I were very different people, but science was our common bond. Through our activities with the Science Olympiad team at Henderson High School and with the Summer Science program we connected and shared many laughs. Nick always impressed me with his optimism and his kindness - he was someone who was fair and decent to all, regardless of social politics or the concern for issues of "popularity" that consumed so many people during high school. At Summer Science Nick's classroom - aptly (and simply) called "Bergology" - was always a source of wonder for campers and staff alike. His inventiveness - computers made from cardboard and duct tape?!?! - wowed you if you were 6 or 16 or 60. Nick was also the person who engineered the blasting of loud rock music via the PA system at various Science Olympiad competitions! The last time I saw Nick he had just returned from Africa and he was profoundly affected by what he had experienced there. I could see his humanity then looking for a new direction in which to give aid. Having read the 5/26/04 article in the NY Times, and the message posted on this site by my old friend John Charles, I hope very much, like John, that Nick is remembered as he should be - as a fundamentally good person who would help anyone, and who had a delicious sense of humor and a flair for the dramatic. I will remember him fondly always.
Jeffrey Becker
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC

Those of you who know me know that I would never miss curfew while in high school. Well, the first and only guy who I ever missed curfew for was Nick Berg. He took me on one of his many adventures, and to this day it is probably the most fun I have ever had! Nick was able to convince me, and others, to hike down a ravine and walk along the not yet opened Rt. 30 Bypass. Getting down there was the tough part, so by the time we reached the road, we didn’t feel much like walking. After much discussion, it was decided that two people from our group would pick us up in their car. Just imagine the shadow of a mini-van cruising at top speed along the unopened bypass with no headlights! The headlights weren’t lit for fear of being seen by the police, but it did make it much more difficult to spot us. Nick had to all but jump in front of the mini-van to get their attention! Nick will always have a place in my heart…
Claire Bracher
Downingtown, PA

I was not aware until Nick's death, that my son Ryan, knew Nick from their high school's marching band. After Nick's graduation, Ryan took over many of Nick's responsibilities with the marching band's logistics. Ryan was shocked and saddened at the horrific murder of Nick. His comments to me were that he was one of the nicest guys that he met in high school. Even after Nick graduated, he came back to help Ryan and the marching band. Not only am I saddened to hear of Nick's death, I am also saddened that I never got to know him while he was alive. Nick, thank you for being such a wonderful role model for my son to emulate!! My condolences to the whole Berg family

I met Nick Berg for the first time during summer theatre, probably in 1994 or 1995. I was in a show called Krazy Kamp, and was surrounded by people that Nick called his friends. I have a great picture of him looking very intently into my camera backstage at West Chester East High School's theatre. He made all of us laugh and I followed him and John Charles around like a small puppy. Several years later, I ran into him very randomly in King of Prussia. We chatted for a couple of minutes, and my greatest regret now is that I didn't do more to reconnect with him after that encounter. What I remember most about Nick was that he never needed to be the center of attention. He worked backstage. He supported others. And it seems he did that right up until his last moments. Losing Nick is like having a candle be snuffed out suddenly and without warning. It's only then that you really realize how much light it brought to your life.
Maggie Caracappa
Norristown, PA

I must have met Nick almost 10 years ago through Summer Science. I absolutely worshipped him...along with all of the other kids. Every year I looked forward to going back and doing Bergology. Nick always talked to all of the kids like we were his friends...not like he was a counselor just doing his job. His love for everything really shone through and it was most definitely contagious. Last year I took physics in school, and I absolutely loved the circuitry unit...I realized halfway through it was because Nick had made it so much fun back when I was in elementary school. I just wanted to tell you what an outstanding impression Nick made on my life...and the lives of hundreds of other kids that went through the Summer Science program. He was an incredible person, and it breaks my heart that anything like this could ever happen. I only wish that there were more people in this world like Nick...because it would definitely be a better place. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Katie Werner
West Chester, PA

I knew Nick Berg for a brief time while we both lived in the same dorm at college. But it only took a brief time for Nick to make a lasting impression on someone. We all liked, respected, and most of all, admired Nick. He was one of the very precious few who act upon their high ideals and compassion. My most prominent memory about Nick is how he returned emaciated from Ghana. Despite his appearance his accounts were always of an immensely rewarding experience. It was only a day ago that I found out from statements in the media by family members that the reason Nick was so lean was that he would give his food away. He never mentioned that. I guess he wasn't someone to glorify his many sacrifices. It was an honor to have known you Nick,
Mohan Sarovar
St. Lucia, QLD

There's one thing about Nick that I will always remember and that I've heard so much about since his passing and that's his wonderful sense of humor. Nick was two years younger than me at Henderson HS. We both participated in Marching and Concert Band as well as in the school musicals. He always knew how to make you laugh, especially during those hot 100 degree days at band camp when you thought you were going to pass out from heat exhaustion, he always knew how to make the time go a little faster. Nick will always be remembered, as he should be, as one of the finniest, nicest, most honest people you will ever know. In my mind he will be remembered as a hero.
Ben Armstrong
Philadelphia, Pa

Nick was a classmate of mine. His notebooks and philosophies speckle my high school memories; sitting in English class and discussions about god, watching him as he fumbled through belongings for just the right scrap of paper. I remember his hair and his smile, his boots and the way he would press his head back and close his eyes when he thought I was not listening clearly. I remember wanting to borrow his notebooks just to pour over his philosophies, but knowing full well that this was only a dream - mostly due to the fact that I could never decipher his hand writing. We used to compare his notebooks to Da Vinci; full of brilliance, but not meant for the average eyes. We discussed beauty. Beauty was a topic close to my heart in that I came from a family of artists. Nick made me understand beauty - beauty is goodness and the pursuit of perfection. Nick was a beautiful person.

I grew up with Nick -- he lived only 8 or 9 houses down from me. When we were little, we used to play together. His mom used to make me dresses for my dolls. We had chicken pox together in kindergarten. He's the kid who ran over my Cabbage Patch kid in first grade with his bike. When we were playing one time, he fell down and skinned his knee, then ran home because he was so embarrassed that he had cried. He got angry and stormed off the school bus one time when the bus driver called him "Nicky." Little memories like these make me smile during this devastating time. We went from kindergarten through graduation together, and to think that he is gone is at some moments unbearable. He was one of those people that you feel lucky for even knowing.
Sharon Galick

Nick was on my floor freshman year at Cornell - that was the 6th floor of Cascadilla dorm. His room, I believe 6109, was right around the corner from mine. I knew him only as an adventuresome, kind, and singularly philosophical man. One of the first people I met at Cornell, I met him when he came to my 19th birthday party on the floor. The world is not quite the place it was since he is gone. my sincerest condolences,

Last week, while waiting for a fundraising meeting at which I was the featured speaker to begin, I received a phone call from a close friend who I assumed was simply returning a call I had made a few days before. As I answered the phone, I realized from the sound of his voice that something was wrong. He had called to inform me that the Nick Berg whose heinous execution had been shown over and over again on CNN all day was, in fact, the same Nick Berg who had been among his closest childhood friends. I had met Nick once, at this same friend's wedding. The Horah (a traditional Jewish circular dance, which at weddings can last over one hour) been going for some time when a muscular man, emerged from somewhere in the center. He had come in search of some water, but upon seeing me he stopped and asked if I wanted to join the dancing. I was a bit apprehensive, but he insisted and I spent much of the night on his shoulders dancing, thus allowing me to fulfill the mitzvah (commandment) of entertaining the Chatan (Groom) and Kallah (Bride). Nick was a Mench (Yiddish word that is difficult to translate) in every sense of the word, a man of action who lived by a credo which emphasized kindness and helping others.
Jason Lieberman
New York

Nick wore his humor and his heart like his favorite t-shirt. The world was a better place with him for he had the highest hopes and ambitions as a person. It will truly be a different place
Tory Griffing

Remember Nick never wore a coat at band practice even though it was cold and windy? As long as he could put his hands in his pockets he was ok. He said that it built character. Actually, he said that about a lot of things.
Clara Thorne
West Chester, PA

I am writing on behalf of the Maasai people in Kenya and on my own behalf to send you our heartfelt condolences for the loss of your son and our friend Nick Berg. From the remotest part of the world, Nick’s friends send their prayers and well wishes.

I met Nick almost two years ago through American Jewish World Service at the time when my organization was drilling water for the impoverished indigenous Maasai people in Amboseli/Mt Kilimanjaro region in Kenya. Nick was so moved by [the] project, he volunteered to travel to Kenya in 2003 to help with the drilling and casing of the water well.

In march 2003, he went to Kenya and spent about two weeks with the field staff of the Maasai Environmental Resource Coalition working on the project. Throughout this period, he lived among the Maasai. Nick made friends with the entire community in the area, and was even able to learn and speak some Maasai within a week.

I just wanted [to] encourage you and to let you know that Nick had many friends, even in the remotest, least civilized parts of the world, and that you are not alone in your grieving.

We will pray for you all during this very difficult time! Now that Nick is no more, please consider us your friends.

God Bless you and your family so much! And God Bless your country!
Read the whole letter.

Meitamei Ole Dapash

One memory I have of Nick was at band camp. One morning, one of the girls in my cabin was putting her contacts in, and accidentally dropped one down the sink. She hadn't brought any extra contacts with her, so she was in big trouble. We realized if there was anyone that could solve the problem, it would be Nick. He came in with his toolbox, which he seemed to have with him everywhere he went. Nick proceeded to take the entire sink apart, including all the piping, and found the contact. And then he put everything back together. The whole process took him about 5 minutes. He was our hero that day - but for him, it was nothing, he just liked helping people. I'll always remember Nick for his funny little way he said things, and the philosophical statements which always made me think, and all the inventions he used to bring in and show me in class. He sat behind me in calculus, and would distract me every day to show me his latest invention - which to me looked like some wires and duct tape on a piece of cardboard, but they were his newest electronic device that I don't think I ever really knew what it did. I would usually miss something our teacher said and get lost, so Nick would explain to me in about 5 seconds what it took our calculus teacher all class to explain. Nick was one of the brightest people I've ever met. Mostly I'll remember him for being a great friend, and even though we had lost touch over the past couple years, I'll miss him greatly.
Kari Colflesh Mahan

I remember Nick quite well. The first thing that always pops into my mind was his wacky hair style. None of the pictures posted online or in the media shows that hair style, but those of us who were in marching band, choir, or drama probably remember it. Nick had most of his hair very short with the exception of the part of his hair right above his forehead. It was blond, a little longer, and very curly! It always made me chuckle. I had the opportunity of acting with Nick in our high school play ""Into the Woods"". I was Cinderella's ""wicked stepmother"" and Nick played the part of Cinderella's father - my husband. The funny thing was... there was thing little dance we had to do together. Well, Nick was about a foot shorter than me, and my dancing skills certainly needed work. Poor Nick... I just kept stepping on his feet. He was so good natured. I never heard a complaint from him. I wish I had kept in touch with him after high school, but as we have all learned... life sometimes takes us in vastly different directions. However, sometimes people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. I can safely say for many of us... that we will never be the same after having the gift of knowing Nick Berg.
Cari Shillingford
West Chester, PA

The last time I caught up with Nick was last summer, just after his most recent trip to Africa. He dropped by Steve Whittam's house to check out the old Whittam HAM tower (probably the shortest tower he'd climbed in ages, but he still pulled out all of the safety equipment), and it rapidly turned into a fun dinner and one of those Adventures. Nick was telling us about what he'd seen in Africa, and for the first time I heard about his post-tension brick ideas for building communication towers, houses, and the like. Somehow I'd missed out on the famous bricks before, and it was pretty amazing stuff.

After dinner he somehow convinced Steve and I to head down to the Chester waterfront and check out the sites. If you don't know me, I'm about the last person to happily go driving into that part of Chester after dark, but somehow Nick talked us into it and all three of us piled into my car and off we went. We spent several hours meandering around the sprawling chemical plants and shipyards, talking about old friends, school, Africa, technology-anything that came to mind. At one point we stopped off in a small park at the waterfront and spent some time trying to figure out how some of the nearby freighters were unloaded. One large freighter nearby had a series of large pipes running onto the dock, and we were wondering what was being unloaded. Nick, curious as ever, wanted to get a closer look, but Steve and I talked him out of it-somehow we didn't think security would quite share our curiosity.

People like Nick are so rare you really take notice when you meet them. He always was quick with a joke and smile, and he was one of those friends who somehow knew how to connect with you in an instant. For all his talents and gifts, he was one of the most humble people I've ever known-it just wasn't in his nature to be otherwise. Truly an amazing person, and I feel thankful to call him a friend.
Matt Keller

Nick was a member of my wedding party in 2002, and he managed the music for the reception using a pair of giant speakers that he had constructed from scratch. I later discovered that in addition to the CDs I had given Nick to play at the reception, he had brought along some country music favorites. Nick liked country music, and so does my wife Emily. I do not(as Nick was aware).

Unbeknownst to me, Nick told Emily that if at any point during the reception she made a secret sign (placing her arms in the shape of a letter C), he would start blasting the country music.

Emily never gave Nick the sign, so we'll never know if he would have played that country music or not. I tend to think he wouldn't have-- but Emily is pretty sure he would.
Jake Vaccaro
Chapel Hill, NC

Nick was 2 years ahead of me at Henderson and I never had the privilege of knowing him on a personal level. Despite our lack of a personal relationship, I have two memories. The first is Nick running through the sophomore hallway with his shaved head and tuft of curly blond hair in the middle of his forehead. The other memory I have is of the shock and laughter in my homeroom after every one of his Tick and Jim cartoons on the morning announcements. My deepest sympathy to the Berg family and all of Nick's friends

Dan Feinberg
Billings, MT

Reading these other anecdotes about Nick, I really wish I had taken more of an initiative to stay in contact with him after high school. I have such fond and genuine memories of him that remain vivid to me even 10 years after they occurred. I remember the 'dirt van' on the Science Olympiad trip to Georgia and stuffing Skittles in the ventilation system (it seemed reasonable at the time). I remember when we would go to fast food places and Azim would pretend not to speak English while Nick would act as his translator. They had the McDonalds employee jumping up to point at the overhead pictures of food, explaining that you weren't supposed to rip open the tea bag and dump it in the water, and that $1 was not enough for a $5 meal. I remember working really late the night before the competitions on the Mission Possible devices that were endlessly frustrating but made fun by Nick's antics. I remember hiking with Nick in the Great Smoky Mountains and hearing his social and political theories that I thought were nuts and impossible to implement. In light of what I have learned about Nick from the recent tragedy, I realize that I should take my head out of the clouds and strive to not just make a difference in society, but make a tangible difference to those people who need it most. Even if I start now, though, I doubt that I'll catch up to Nick.
Dan Stick
Ann Arbor, MI

Nick was a great friend. There are very few people in the world you can find no bad words for, and Nick was one. My favorite story about Nick relates to his relationship not only with me, but with my Father and Grandfather and their business. Nick and I have been friends since middle school, and at one point when I was in 8th grade and he was in 7th, Nick and I were at my family's gas station, and Nick was, as usual, informing my Dad and Granddad of all of the ways they could be better running this business which had been around since before his birth. He was full of bizarre ways to boost business, and our family favorite was his idea to hoist a broken down car onto the roof and leave it there for a month. After the month, it would be taken down and replaced with the same make and model, only in pristine condition. He was so worked up about this idea that he and my grandfather spoke at length about the logistics of such a promotion. By the time they were done, Nick and my Grandfather had hatched not only a very intricate plan, but a strong friendship. My whole family adored Nick and loved him dearly. Personally, he was always one of those guys I could lose touch with for long stretches, and pick up right where we left off when the time came. He was impressive on so many levels it would be ridiculous to try to name them. My greatest fear is that the circumstances that surrounded his death will allow this amazing person to be remembered in the wrong way. He was the most human person I've ever known. Nick Berg was a great person who leaves behind a legacy of love and caring and positivist....a thing so often lacking in so many of our lives. Nick Berg was a person...not an idea. It's of the utmost importance that we remember that when the media circus has ended.

Oh yeah...the kicker to that other story is that my Father and Grandfather own a service station and garage...They never had the heart to tell Nick that we didn't do body work, so the car on the roof didn't make any sense. He and I discussed that the last time I saw him and had a great laugh....I'm so thankful for that.
John Charles
Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts
Philadelphia, PA

He returned to Philadelphia in late January to catch up on some domestic business -- then in early February, tackled an antenna replacement job at our aux site, which he had quoted last summer. This proved to be more complicated than either of us had first assumed (a three-bay DA with two vertical and four horizontal parasites per bay) but he honored his original quote. The work took place in sub-zero windchills... my feet were getting plenty cold just standing out in the cornfield as we aligned the azimuth, it must have been brutal up on the tower, but he took it in stride.
See the great article from North East Radio Watch
Scott Fybush

Where to start with our many unusual adventures… Usually they would begin with a call from Nick, frantically explaining that I absolutely had to do whatever we were about to get ourselves into. More often than not the adventures involved running through the woods late at night… without flashlights… nick didn't believe in flashlights for some reason. One such night our 'mission' was to find a bowling ball that he had hidden earlier that day.
Justin 'jut' Olexy
State College, PA

One thing I've always remembered about Nick is the time he and a couple friends jokingly came up with this ridiculous idea to open a restaurant that only sold ice water. But the catch was, with every glass of ice water BAM free pretzel. I really have no idea where they came up with this, but oddly enough, to this day I still find myself thinking BAM free pretzel when I get a drink of water, and it always makes me laugh inside. I never really knew the Nick that went to Africa or that went to Iraq, but even the Nick I knew back in high school was always full of ideas. Funny ones, brilliant ones, and some a little of both. I'm glad I'll always have those memories to keep me thinking and keep me smiling.
Dan Hubbard

I remember his kindness – his openness – and his profound sense of self. Some people spend their entire lives seeking out the meaning of what it is like to be “Normal” – but you could tell after spending a few minutes with him, that being “Normal” wasn’t on the list of things that he worried about. For the 10 days that I knew him during 1996 Nick was – in the only word that I can use to describe him – Nick. On the last day of the bike trip, our trip met up with the other 12 or so biking / hiking / canoeing trips that made up Wilderness Reflections that year at an old Boy Scout camp on the shores of Lake Cayuga. Most of us spent that night meeting people from other trips – but Nick choose not to. It wasn’t because he wasn’t social, or because he didn’t want to meet other people… but because earlier in the day, we had explored the Boy Scout camp and Nick had found two empty 55 gallon plastic barrels and some nylon rope, and decided that he wanted to “sail” them the following day on Lake Cayuga. My second to last memory of Nick is of going down to the dock before breakfast the next morning – and watching him wade into Lake Cayuga to set sail on the USS B.L.O
Brice Wu

Pleasanton, CA

"I will never forget my first time rock climbing. We were so excited when Nick was coming to visit my friend, Luke Lorenz, in Boalsburg. (We had been talking about it for weeks prior.) I was encouraging myself daily because I am afraid of heights. Well, when Nick came I was immediately swept away to go climb (despite the rising doubts and fear.) Nick and Luke both said, "You don't really have to climb when you get there." Of course, I believed them! (sure! Truth is, it sounded exciting.) Well, Nick rigged up the perfect secure climbing and guiding ropes. Then he and Luke volunteered me to go first! Great! (I was thinking...just great! How am I going to weasel myself out now that he has gone through all the trouble of laying out and securing all the ropes, on top of the fact that he was just so enthusiastic and positive!) Well, I got into the harness and started climbing. (It was fun! Really FUN!) But I got to the point of no return, where you have to decide if you will keep on climbing and not stop until you reach the top or turn back. I remember legs were shaking, my arms were shaking and I wasn't sure if I could go any further. In fact, I couldn't even see where to make the next step. Inside I had given up and was ready to go back down. Before I could look back for help and consolations like "Nice try! You'll get it next time!" Nick had scaled the wall so deftly and quickly to help show me where to set my feet and hands. He stayed with me until I was back on the ground. (Later on, I thought "There aren't many people who would do that. Most of us cheerlead and encourage from the ground." What an amazing lesson!) Nick believed in people, that anyone could accomplish anything. I believe Nick had a vision large enough and expectations high enough, that he never took notice of the obstacles, situations or people who suggested he or others might fail. Nick, thank you, for your legacy! I know there are many ways in which we can help your legacy live on, as Luke suggested, "Teach a child how something works. And if you don't know, find out! That's what Berg would do." :)"
Lisa Brown
Boalsburg, PA

When you teach music you see a lot of kids, I think I've easily taught a few thousand. I've had to learn all their names too. Some are more memorable than others. I've got a story here about perhaps my first memorable one. When I student taught, it was in January through March 1992 at Peirce Middle School in West Chester PA. It was a really tough gig for me, because not only was I student teaching band for sixth to eighth graders from 7:30 to 3:30 but after I was done I had to go the UPS center in West Chester and unload trucks until about 10 pm. It was rough, and being new to the world of teaching I learned a few things the hard way. Sometimes you learn from your students: I remember this one kid curly headed kid with glasses an eighth grader (13), on my first day he noticed that I was wearing a "shark" watch that I had gotten for Christmas. He told me that if I pressed all four buttons, I would see a shark swim across the face. I immediately did this and the watch deprogrammed itself. Hilarious, right? You think I would have learned my lesson, but no - this kid was going to torment the new student teacher in many ingenious ways over the next two months. He then advised me sometime later that the kids would respond to me better if I "yelled at them". Why I listened to this kid I'll never know, but to make a long story short I learned pretty quick that that method does not work. To this day I don't raise my voice....I owe it all to this wise guy 13 year old. The kid played alto sax - and he was pretty good. Eventually the day I left he shook my hand and told me that "I was pretty cool after all." Funny thing, I was being evaluated by all these people with doctorates and masters degrees yet this kids evaluation made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Walt Hetfield

It is my understanding, that Nick Berg owned his own contracting company, and was volunteering his time and talent to do something to help the people of Iraq out of his own heart, in a way he knew he could. That certainly sounds like the Nick I knew. It is in my humble opinion, that this is why he was detained by both sides of the conflict for a period of time, out of suspicion of his intent. Nick was an amazing guy. He was two years younger than me, and we were both highly involved in music together. He played a kick-ass saxophone, and he played it from his heart, no matter how many wrong notes he hit. I remember his love and enthusiasm of electronics and engineering. A man of remarkable intelligence, and if something was broken, Nick could fix it. He was always available to his friends in need. He had no care about what people thought of him, his eccentricities, his intelligence, his sense of humor... He believed in people, despite our many disagreements in that opinion, as that was a time for me when cynicism was my prevailing attitude at the time.
Kevin Thomas

My first memorable experience with Berg; The unforgettable improvised alarm system devised with a piece of scrap aluminum foil and a jury-rigged walkman to protect our cabin from undesirables at band camp. We were the only cabin with a prank deterrent system! (it even worked the one time an instructor walked in) You can hear this here. No girls were gonna sneak into our cabin! Perhaps it worked too well…
Luke Lorenz
Boalsburg, PA

I cannot read through this site without laughing. Not to sound callous, as the reason for this site is one of great seriousness, but so many of the stories regarding Nick are filled with his tremendous sense of wide-eyed curiosity and humor, an attitude that effused "We can do whatever we need, whatever we want to do". There was never a "can't" or an "impossible" in his vocabulary. He was able to laugh and enjoy the world around him, knowing full well that this world is a less than perfect place; but I don't think Nick would have wanted the world to be perfect ... what would he have to fix or improve? I am enclosing a picture of the alarm system that Luke Lorenz wrote about. This, too, was one of my first memorable experiences with Nick. Who knew 11 years ago what I was taking a picture of ... who knew how important it would become to us now. I remember Nick smiling (as Nick typically always was), and that image is one I will keep.
Brian Hamrick
Raleigh, North Carolina

On the way home from a band competition one time (back when Nick was in ninth grade), Nick somehow managed to get part of a hanger up in his nose (accidentally). He took a lot of ribbing for that, but he was so good-natured and funny about it! He even wrote "Watch out forhangers" in my yearbook at the end of the year. I remember Nick as funny, smart, good-natured, and always friendly.

Nick was a good friend of my brother's, and through him I heard many fantastic stories about Nick's adventures. One that stuck with me that I've told almost everyone who wants to know more about Nick is the time Nick decided he wanted to ride a bicycle to Florida. Sooo, he did. From what I recall, he just got a bike at like a yardsale, got on, and rode to Florida. Nothing fancy or high tech, no support crew, no team, just Nick and a bike. His legend will live on through the stories, photos, and videos documenting his extraordinary life. Always an adventurer, he died doing what he loved to do: Forging ahead, on his own, doing his own thing, for a cause, fearless.
George M. Whittam
Los Angeles, CA

"Nick's tower design is incredible. They are pored-form concrete blocks. The blocks assemble to form a tower. They are "internally guyed" -making it a "three wire, internally guyed concrete block tower"". Running through the center of each of the outside blocks (not the center key blocks) is a narrow PVC pipe that the guy wire runs through. This guy is then attached to a steel frame sitting on the ground and tensioned down with a wrench. Nick first demonstrated this tower design to the world at a conference where I met up with him in Hershey, PA on October 30ith, 2003. We were there together and I helped him in whatever way I could to assemble the tower. The conference was the 19th annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters. (PAB) So, I've got a bunch of pictures of when were assembling the tower in the Hershey Lodge and Convention center. I put them on my website.
More Nick Berg inventions"
Thomas Clardy

His freshman year of marching band, Nick played the bari-sax (a very large/tall saxophone). He wasn't very tall, even for a freshman. I don't remember there being much distance between the bottom of the horn and the ground. I also remember him frequently coming to school with gadgets. One week he had a small silver box worn on his belt. When tipped over, it would interfere with TV and radio signals [Nick's Inventions; Invert Alert - won second place in a national competition. Duracell said number one won because it used microchips]. Another time he had an electronic guessing game, when you pressed some buttons in the right sequence the LEDs light up. I remember it being a mess of wires, diodes and duck tape, but it worked. He was never afraid to experiment. Nick was a great friend. It was a privilege to know him.
A.J. Zadrozny
Centreville, VA

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